For the past decade, MBK Engineers has assisted Yuba County Water Agency (YCWA) with its coordinated flood operations. This assistance has come in the form of analyzing reservoir operations and system hydraulics in the evaluation of alternatives for the State-funded Yuba-Feather Supplemental Flood Control Project and providing guidance and technical support for the Forecast-Coordinated Operations initiative between YCWA and DWR. The latter has included serving on the F-CO management team to assist in formulating and executing the F-CO program, analyzing the system capacity of the Yuba-Feather levee system, developing operational protocols for New Bullards Bar Dam, planning annual functional flood operations exercises, and assisting in the development and review of the system reservoir operations model (HEC-ResSim). In addition to this, MBK Engineers provides as-needed, real-time support for YCWA with emergency flood operations.