CalLite Model Development

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) collaborated on the development of the CalLite hydrologic model. CalLite is a screening model for planning and management of the State Water Project (SWP) and the Central Valley Project (CVP) that simulates the hydrology of the Central Valley, reservoir operations, delivery allocations, Delta salinity responses to river flow and export changes, and habitat-ecosystem flow indecies. CalLite compliments the more detailes and complex CalSim model that is used by DWR and Reclamation for planning studies relating to CVP-SWP operations. MBK assisted DWR and Reclamation staff with the scoping, design, development and refinement of CalLite. This involved designing model alogrythms and coding of these algorthyms to simulation CVP-SWP operations. MBK corroborated CalLite with various CalSim alternatives making WRESL coding adjustments as necessary. Debugged infeasible and problem solutions. Instructed DWR and Reclamation staff on WRIMS model debugging techniques.

Location: Sacramento, CA

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